We appreciate your prayers for God’s work in Mongolia!  Here are some things to pray specifically for and to thank Him for:

  • Pray for KLTC/XYCT, the Kingdom Leadership Training Center where Mark and Cinda work in Darhan.  Praise God for the students who are now studying to be leaders in churches across Mongolia.  There are about 50 students enrolled this current year!
  • Pray also for the employees with whom we work.  There are some with health issues, some with financial struggles, and others with difficult family situations.  Pray for them in all these areas.  The Mongolian New Year is approaching, which is a time of celebration but also it brings stress for many families because of financial obligations and relationships.
  • Annika and Toby: Good news – Karen Hessel, IWK teacher, has arrived and quickly jumped into the classroom with the Darhan IWKs.  We’re all thankful!  The kids are all excited to have her back with us!
  • Mark: for his studies in his Biola courses, managing that task alongside his role as Director of KLTC with all that’s involved in his multiple responsibilities in that role.  He just took two courses in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and now has the reading and writing work to do for each of those through May
  • Cinda: transition from homeschooling to other ministry roles.  So far I’m just catching up on things that had been put on hold, but there are other things that need attention soon.  Pray for wise, discerning decision-making, that I use my time and efforts for God’s best purposes, and keep focused on Him.
  • Health and safety.
  • Finances:  Please pray for the support of all International Workers through the organization’s fund.  Thank you for praying with us for these needs, as well as for your support.
  • Developing relationships with our team members and with Mongolians.  Boldness in speaking to Mongolians and initiating new friendships.
  • For His light to shine in dark places, and for His truth to set free those in bondage
  • We are thankful and grateful for the opportunity to serve.  Thank you so much for praying for us and caring for us!