You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2010.

by Mark



There have been many prayers over the past few weeks for our visas to come through.  The doorbell rang this morning around 10 AM with these answers to prayer (see photo above!).  We are working on getting our bags packed.  (Originally we thought the limit was 44 lbs. per bag, but we found out because we are flying direct to Seoul our limit is 50 lbs per bag!  That is 48 extra pounds, which is a big help!  Our flight takes off next Sunday from O’hare – please pray for a safe flight with everything connecting well.  We only have a 3-hour lay-over in Seoul, which works well for us as it means we’ll arrive in Ulaanbaatar at 9:40 p.m.

by Mark

I just read that a rig in eastern Mongolia has hit oil.  There is not any word on the size of the strike or quality of oil.  Is it a good thing?  It could be a double- edged sword.  A potential greatly needed upswing for the economy here or it could greatly complicate the delicate waltz of statesmanship.    This is a recent article (Aug. 2) from Reuters on what to watch in Mongolia  Political risks to watch in Mongolia.  Its a good “nutshell” summary of what Mongolia is facing. 

by Mark

Thank you all for fasting and praying for us.  Our prayers have been answered and it looks like we will be heading back to Mongolia on a language school visa on September 5th!  We are excited about this and grateful to the efforts of our Field and friends in Mongolia, and to our friends and family who have prayed for us.